Open Your Eyes
"Open your eyes"
Why did she have to get in the way?
and then why did she have to take my best friend away?
neither one of you realizes how bad it really feels
to be hurt and betrayed just for a sweet moment or two,
think about it... this girl will never last but our friendship always will
and that doesn't mean that you can take for granted the
way that I feel..
you know all about me and then some more and I will always
be there, whenever you come callin' I'll come runnin' to your door.
I wish you knew how much of me you've always had
and then maybe you'd show me that life's not really that bad
but untill you realize how great of a friend I really am
I guess I'll just have to sit back and PRETEND not to give a damn
I'm sorry that whenever she's there I'm just thrown a side
and then picked up later whenever you decide
and I'm sorry that I'm tired of it all and
whenever you decide on being my friend agian
just give me a call..... but untill then just hang out
with what's her name
because I can no longer play this game.
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